Beyond Skin

Nitin Sawhney Beyond Skin專輯

12.Beyond Skin

On july 29th at 5:29 am
The gadget turned the pre-dawned sky as bright as the sun
As the first atomic mushroom cloud rose above the horizon.

We knew the world would not be the same...
A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were
I remembered the lines from the hindu scripture, the bhagavad
Vishnu was trying to persuade the prince that he should do his
And to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says,
'now i am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'
I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.

A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were
I remembered the lines from the hindu scripture, the bhagavad
'now i am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'